Research Themes

The Centre is undertaking research and training under five themes:

  1. Energy generation  2. Energy transmission 3. Energy distribution 4. Customer energy  5. Hydrogen energy

Energy generation

Creating energy from renewable resources


  • New power electronic converter-based generators are replacing conventional synchronous generators. However, this change is leading to a reduction in the overall strength of the power system.

  • Changes in the frequency of power generation, as well as reduced stability and diversity are challenges for future grids.  The energy sector requires innovative solutions and a workforce with the skills to implement them.

  • The connection of large inverters into weak grids can increase the risk of system instability, which would require substantial investment in network upgrades and grid strengthening.


  • Addressing potential issues arising in the power grid when wind and solar inverters are operating at low voltage levels.

  • Improving how the power grid responds to changes in frequency, by using a grid-forming inverter to make the grid more stable and reliable

  • Enhancing energy storage systems, such as pumped hydro storage as well as increasing customer awareness and responsiveness to support power grids.

  • Developing high-performance zinc-ion batteries for more efficient and reliable energy storage options at grid-scale.

  • Improving multi-port inverters capable of connecting multiple energy sources to the power grid.

Transferring energy from a renewable source to a distribution network

Energy transmission


  • With the increasing use of renewable energy sources, which typically do not use synchronous machines to generate power, it is becoming more challenging to maintain grid stability for emergency and day-to-day operational use.

  • As per National Electricity Rules (NER), inverter-based generators (such as wind and solar generators) must help regulate the frequency and voltage of the grid to maintain grid stability and reliability.

  • Research on wide-area monitoring and control, grid synchronisation, and damping power system oscillations can lead to improvements in the operation of energy transmission.


  • Design of a phase-locked loop (PLL) for inverters that convert power from renewable energy sources into stable energy that can be used on the grid.

  • By determining the optimal mix of energy sources, which are constantly changing due to weather conditions and other unpredictable factors, we aim to maximise economic benefits while ensuring a reliable supply of power to consumers.

  • Improving grid stability using Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) to measure and provide accurate and synchronised data in real-time across large geographical areas.

  • Implementing a controlled islanding strategy to limit the impact of cascading faults, where an event, such as a power outage triggers a series of additional faults across the power grid, resulting in widespread disruptions.

  • Damping of power system oscillations caused by factors such as power demand or variations in wind or solar output, by controlling set-points of the controllers for wind and solar plants.

Energy distribution

Delivering energy from the network to end-users


  • Distribution network service providers (DNSPs) are facing challenges in managing unprecedented numbers of inverter-interfaced generating (renewable energy) resources being connected to the grid.  DNSPs are having to manage many small-scale generators, which can be more challenging to manage than a few large-scale generators.

  • The widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and their associated charging infrastructure can create complications for the power grid. Increase in demand, particularly during peak charging times can put stress on the power grid, potentially leading to issues such as overloading and voltage fluctuations.

  • Utilizing the capabilities of inverters at the front end of generators and managing customer loads effectively to reduce the impact of renewable resources and electric vehicles on the power grid.


  • Management and regulation of voltage levels within a power system to ensure a stable and efficient flow of reactive power.

  • Design of energy trading systems using block-chain technology to enable buyers and sellers to trade directly with one another.

  • Investigate distributed energy resources (DER) to facilitate the coordination of high-power electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in weak grids.

  • Integrating DERs to ensure stable power supply to remote and sparsely populated areas.

  • Modelling power system infrastructure to increase its resilience and responsiveness to cope with adverse weather conditions.

Customer energy

Building customer awareness and responsiveness


  • A customer-centric approach is essential for effective utilisation of local generating resources such as rooftop solar PV systems, battery storage and EVs. Enabling customers to generate and consume their own electricity while also supporting the overall energy system.

  • Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are a new way of aggregating many distributed energy resources, such as solar panels, batteries and EVs to work together in a coordinated manner.  A new market framework is required in order for VPPs to provide ancillary network support to the network.

  • Fast demand response or the ability of customers to adjust their energy consumption in response to signals from the grid. By using smart meters and other advanced technologies, energy providers can communicate with their customers in real-time and provide incentives for reduced or modified energy use.


  • Design of Virtual power Plants (VPPs) to provide ancillary grid services.

  • Developing customer-centric demand management systems to use renewable energy sources, storage, and load control.

  • Using advanced progressive modelling to optimise resource usage in real-time, by dynamically adjusting the operation of energy and water assets, based on current and anticipated grid conditions.

  • Developing a peer-to-peer energy market framework that enables individuals and organisations to share excess energy production using a blockchain based platform and seamless integration of software and hardware, enabling real-time monitoring and control of energy production and consumption.

  • Investigation into the effects of Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (Gan) components in variable speed motor drives to achieve higher levels of efficiency.

Hydrogen energy

Producing hydrogen energy from renewable sources


  • Hydrogen energy has the potential to provide significant benefits to power grids, but industry has yet to extensively explore this new technology.

  • Clean Hydrogen can be generated from renewable energy surplus without additional energy cost, by using electrolysers to convert electricity into Hydrogen.  However, the variability of the input power supplied by renewables can make Hydrogen production less efficient.

  • Surplus renewable energy can be stored using Hydrogen as a carbon-free energy storage method. However, storing and transporting Hydrogen requires special arrangements due to its low energy density and flammability.

  • Australia aims to establish itself as a major player in the Hydrogen market by positioning itself as a key exporter.


  • Production of Hydrogen from renewable energy surplus

  • Large-scale solid-state Hydrogen storage for transportation and grid integration

  • Using ramp rate control of Hydrogen /battery/ pumped storage systems to smooth out fluctuations and support a more stable and reliable grid.

  • Using super-capacitors as a buffer to reduce variations in electrical power produced by fuel cells.