Executive Management Committee

  • Centre Director, Theme Lead: Energy Transmission
    University of Wollongong

    Kashem is a distinguished senior professor and expert in electrical engineering with a focus on future grid technologies. His contributions to the industry through research and teaching have earned him recognition as a thought leader in the transition to future grids. Kashem's passion for innovation and a clean energy future make him a valued leader of the centre.

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  • Deputy Director, Co-Theme Lead: Customer energy
    University of Wollongong

    Danny is the UOW Professor of Power Engineering with extensive experience in academia and industry, he has made significant contributions to the advancement of engineering practices and technologies in the areas of renewable energy and future grid systems. His passion for teaching and mentorship continues to inspire the next generation of electrical engineers.

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  • Centre Manager
    University of Wollongong

    Marjo is an experienced manager and passionate advocate for the transition to a clean energy future. With a background in architecture, fabrication, and robotics, Marjo has held leadership positions at UNSW and the University of Sydney. As Manager, Marjo will leverage her expertise and passion to develop clean energy solutions to support the transition to a sustainable future.

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  • Theme Lead: Energy Generation
    University of Tasmania

    Michael is Chair Professor in Power Engineering and Computational Intelligence, and Director of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Power Systems. The focus of his research is power system security and smart grids. He specializes in hybrid power systems with high renewable energy penetration as well as in intelligent system applications in power systems. He has made significant contributions to the field and has published extensively in leading academic journals. Michael is FEEE, FIEAus and Chartered Professional Engineer.

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  • Theme Lead: Customer energy
    University of New South Wales

    Rukmi is an Associate Professor in Energy Systems known for her research in electric machines and drive systems, electric and hybrid vehicles, renewable energy and power electronics. Her recent research projects include designing and controlling permanent machines in the automotive and renewable energy sectors. Rukmi has published extensively and is passionate about teaching and mentoring students.

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  • Theme Lead: Energy Transmission
    Curtin University

    Arindam is a professor of Electrical Engineering. He has made significant contributions to the application of power electronic converters to power systems. His research has included renewable energy integration, microgrids and power transmission control using FACTS devices. He has been awarded 13 ARC projects and has supervised over 80 HDR students

    Staffportal | Google Scholar

  • Theme Lead: Hydrogen energy
    University of Queensland

    Lianzhou is a professor of Chemical Engineering and specialises in functional nanomaterials for solar energy conversion and energy storage applications. He has expertise in the characterisation and application of semiconductor nanomaterials for use in renewable energy conversion/storage systems, including photocatalysts for solar fuel productions, rechargeable lithium batteries, and new generation solar cells.


Chief Investigators

  • Co-Theme Lead: Energy Distribution
    University of Tasmania

    Sarah is Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and is an expert in modelling and power extraction techniques for photovoltaic systems under non-uniform environmental conditions. Her research and teaching includes the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity grid, Electric Machines, Human centred design and power systems. She is also currently involved in STEM education and outreach research projects.


  • Co-Theme Lead: Energy Transmission
    University of Wollongong

    Ashish is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (SECTE). His main areas of research include Impact of Renewable and Distributed Generation on Electricity Networks, Power System Reliability, System Stability, Electricity Markets, and Smart Grids. He has published more than 100 research papers in renowned international journals and conferences.

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  • Co-Theme Lead: Hydrogen Energy
    University of Queensland

    Kazuhiro is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. His research working on Pb-free solder alloys and intermetallics, hydrogen storage alloys, Li-ion battery anode materials, Zn-Al coating alloys and structural Al-Si and Mg alloys. The unifying theme throughout his research career has been the development of environmentally sustainable materials solutions for conventional and alternative electronic, transport and power industries.


  • Co-Theme Lead: Customer Energy
    University of Wollongong

    Raad is an Associate Professor and Head of School at the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (SECTE) and has over 23 years’ experience in Industrial research and Academia. His current research is in wireless communications, Antenna design, Satellite communications, RFID, Health sensors and IoT doe Future Grids.


  • Co-Theme Lead: Energy Distribution
    University of Wollongong

    Rabiul is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Electrical, Computer, and Telecommunications Engineering. His research interests are in the fields of power electronic converters, renewable energy technologies, power quality, electrical machines, and electric vehicles. He is serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

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  • Co-Theme Lead: Energy Generation
    University of Tasmania

    Evan is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering. His research focusses on energy and power systems, the integration of renewable energy, electric vehicles and distributed energy resources into the power system and the role of energy storage and converter-based generation in future grids.

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  • Co-Theme Lead: Energy Transmission
    Deakin University

    Samson is a Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering at the School of Engineering, Deakin University. He is an expert in power systems and electronics, clean energy integration into power grid, and control systems. Dr. Yu has published over 120 research articles, won various research awards, and is involved in many industry projects.

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  • Chief Investigator
    Curtin University

    Ehsan joined the Electrical Engineering discipline of Curtin University, Bentley Campus, in January 2022. Earlier on, he was with Central Queensland University as a lecturer. He has a demonstrated track record of research on microgrids, stochastic modelling and optimisation of renewable resources, EVs, and power quality. Ehsan has three-year work experience in the power industry.

Chief Investigators